About me...

A husband & Two kids + School part-time + ADD= Good material.
I'm basically June Cleaver after two martinis with a sharp wit and a fondness for sparkly things, shoes and poker.

Monday, June 6, 2011

If Dr. Seuss was a mom...

Ode to a stain...

Red spot, blue spot,
That’s a new spot.
Is it mud or is it jam?
A melted crayon or candied yams?
I will clean it with a mop.
With OxyClean and bleach on top.
I will scrub it with a brush.
But Resolve’s not doing much.
Now it’s turned a shade of gray.
With no intent to go away.
A nice big rug to put it out of sight.
Carpeted dining rooms? Not too bright.

Some people rant & rave...I prefer to find the humor & move on.